Artificial Intelligence and Communication Technologies

Feature Extraction for Big Data Using AI

Authors: Jalajakshi V and Myna A N

Publishing Date: 10-04-2023

ISBN: 978-81-955020-5-9



Internet around the world is producing loads of data every second in different ways, the speed of this information is being spread across the corners of the globe in very few seconds. A multi-feature information retrieval approach is utilized, and predicated on this, an ai - powered big data MFE scheme is intended, with the regular news framework as an application example, where it would be expanded, and necessary analysis is performed. This method is taken to the algorithm design of hot event identification using a news article as the sender. As a result, a twostage multi-function fusion clustering l. To analyze keywords, a multi-functional fusion model is created in the first step, which combines word frequency and a part of speech attribute. We use it to extract keywords that describe current events and news.


SVM, Random Forests, Linear Regression, ANN

Cite as

Jalajakshi V and Myna A N, "Feature Extraction for Big Data Using AI", In: Saroj Hiranwal and Garima Mathur (eds), Artificial Intelligence and Communication Technologies, SCRS, India, 2023, pp. 1017-1029.
